For all you XDS lovers...

I really like some of Springfield's product line. The XDs .45 3.3 is awesome, the XD subcompact is a workhorse, and XDm's are very nice.

Having said all of that, the XDe is a flaming turd.
I went to adventure outdoors today and was able to handle one. I dont like it as much as i thought after seeing the intital promo video. Single stack polymer with safety/decocker and somewhat awkward size just seemed off and felt odd in the hand but the trigger and reset were good. I will stick with my mod 2 subs for carry. It was a promo model and not yet for sale
The guy at the Springfield booth that I spoke to said that they had complaints on the XDs that the slide was too hard to rack. He actually said "alot of ladies cant rack the slide and feel more comfortable with a manual safety". So they can cock the hammer on the XDe and then rack the slide.

On the topic of giving in. My grand daddy gave me some good advise like not paying for a cow that is giving free milk. One of the other things was as soon as you take one step back you have broken all momentum you had going forward. That's kind of the way I view this now. We have the momentum. Things seem to be going our way. Why would we slow that down by giving in to anything?
I'm liquidating all my striker fires and XD line is a pretty good pistol. If it's done right, I don't see it as a step back. Just a step to the side and starting a different path. Colt on the other hand might as well have broken legs.
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