Go for a run….

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Think I will stick to a bike ride
I hurt my ankles in 1985 jogging with defective shoes. In 2001 I started using a treadmill in the garage, and after a couple of years I could do a short, light jog without experiencing crippling pain. In 2014 I joined the Georgia State Defense Force at age 54, and learned in training (out of necessity) that I could jog while wearing the boots. Still, I can't move quickly. But I've got a stair climber and weighted jump ropes; I can handle those, plus push-ups, sit-ups, weights, etc. and get a great aerobic and strength workout. I've been convinced for a long time that regular aerobic workouts, even walking around the block, help minimize respiratory illnesses. I think it helped me tremendously in mitigating the effects of COVID when I caught it for the second time last July.

I've mostly given up my favorite, cycling, because the pandemic has made drivers super reckless and aggressive in the last two years. It's just too dangerous now.
If I went for a run I'd miss out on everything this world has to offer....:rip:
8 months later and I've been doing a few runs a week now and haven't really changed what I eat but have added healthier things into the mix. I've been feeling a better but only been at it about a month now.
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