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Holy moly it just hit me. Russia warns of EMP attack.

That's if we apply what the Russians found to your car. Again we don't really know for sure.

Luckily most of us don't drive Urals or Ladas. Racist.

But I agree with you. An old non-transistorized vehicle is likely to have problems in any kind of strong EMP event. Even mil-std sheilding in military vehicles had/have quite a bit of wishful thinking to them. Lots of the electronic systems and radios in our stuff would have been tits up because there a big difference between lab conditions and the realworld.

The best bet is to keep a set electronic components in a sheilded {gore} locked box {/gore}. Needless to say, the simplier and fewer components, the better and faster your vehicle would be back up
racist, maybe you have trouble reading.
they found the same issues on equipment that was disconnected. Diesel generators that were sitting there not wired to anything, had the same issues with the dielectric coating on the windings.

anyways, i was making a disclaimer and still do that we dont know for sure. I just know what it says. It may or may not apply at all. who knows? hopefully we never find out, cause most of us would be dead anyways.

The USSR was an ultra-paranoid society. You're relying on anecdotal information from inside that country during the Cold War, at the very peak of their paranoia. Not only was information difficult to get, when it was available, it was often disinformation. It's not reliable, unless it can be verified via the scientific method.
Now you're just being silly.


In this era where science is done by "consensus," rather than in the field and lab, no longer recreated by peers doing the same experiment in the same physical circumstances, you think my being doubtful of 50 year old "data" generated by scientists who were controlled by an ultra-paranoid government that routinely imprisoned or executed people without any due process, is silly?

See a lot of unicorns?
No but apparently you do.

In the Soviet Union, Science was the state religion. Very rarely did politics interfere with basic research, which Russians are actually very good at. Cherry picking results and making assumptions to suit a hypothesis is a Western phenomenon. Try not to let your personal bigotry bias you.
No but apparently you do.

In the Soviet Union, Science was the state religion. Very rarely did politics interfere with basic research, which Russians are actually very good at. Cherry picking results and making assumptions to suit a hypothesis is a Western phenomenon. Try not to let your personal bigotry bias you.

Chernyobl, Lysenkoism, Eugenics, widespread famines due to central planning trumping sound agriculture science, numerous technical disasters in their space and rocket programs, testing biological weapons on their own people, among who knows how many other disasters (because they were experts at suppressing the truth, by violent force if needed).

Are these the obvious signs of a society that considers scientific truth its most cherished value? I think not.

You do realize you are defending the integrity of one of, if not the most, spectacularly failed, closed political societies in human history?

Your position on this would make even socialist Bernie Sanders blush.
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