Jury duty

I seen that not make any difference. Even if you're LE.......
Yeah, I fit that description, almost. The judge ask if there way a reason I couldn't listen to a case because my baby brother was on of the arresting officers, and I answered yes, I would have a biased opinion. He didn't like my answer at all. I was moved from the jurors box to the spectators area and was specifically not dismissed when the rest were...
This is scary. The same folks I’d want on my jury are all talking about how to not get jury duty.
well in my defense they caught the guy on video,Pulled him over with the s**t still in his car and he was a former employee that vowed to everyone that would listen that he was going to "get that MF back!". then they had the nerve to ask me if I had already formed an opinion. I'm sure I had the biggest "DUH!" look on my face. Not selected. :doh:
There was another one I was selected for. It was a statutory rape case and I was NOT looking foward to that as my daughter was close to the same age. I showed up preparing myself to hear some horrible details but the guy bolted. They dismissed us and told us to call the next morning and sure enough he was on the run. Case was delayed or whatever the legal term is. I didnt have to go back.
With my luck I could tell them I was raised by two police officers, I am a firm believer in jury nullification and believe they lack the constitutional authority to bring charges on most of their cases while wearing a "taxation is theft" T-shirt, and a "Boston Harbor Brewed Iced T" hat. I would tell them I was vehemently opposed to the death penalty as I don't want government to have the power to decide who lives and dies. I would say I believed more criminals needed to be shot by their victims during the act, and doing so would rid society of the filth and free up our criminal justice system thus saving the taxpayers money.

Rather than dismissal from jury duty, I would be sent back to the jury pool to sit with 50 other bored people who weren't able to get out of jury duty.

My wife gets called at least ever other year. I can't even begin to guess how many times she has had jury duty in the 15 years we have been together. I on the other hand have only been called once, and I spent the entire time in the jury pool reading 10 year old issues of Newsweek.
I've been summoned a few times, but each one was always cancelled before I even have to show up. Assuming the case ended up being settled out of court or the perp ended up taking a plea deal.
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