Like a petulant child...Obama vows executive orders bypassing gun control fail.

There was a huge red flag when he wrote those executive orders including mental health and the CDC. This isn't over, and if one of "our" justices leave the Supreme Court, whatever he passes will likely stand. Lets hope people like Rand and Cruz will call him out on it before he singes it. With customs in his pocket, he's already put the flow of foreign made weapons and ammo into this country to a snails pace. This man will have his way whether we like it or not. He doesn't have the full backing of the democrats any more, lets hope he steps on that line that is so unforgivable, congress has no choice but to impeach him. That, and that the damage is reversible.
You know, It's amazing. I hear all these people talk about obama and the democrats and how their ruining our country and the guy still gets voted in. I don't think anything he does will get those people that voted for him to change their minds due to the fact those same people are the same ones that have their hands out. I actually thought that in the last election Romney was going to win. I guess that was naive or just wishful thinking on my part. So, I guess we have to look forward to dictatorship and no way to protect ourselves or families. Oh yeah, at this rate we won't be able to by guns anyway to all the taxes we have to pay so the other half can collect it.

1 question- what do you do?
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