Piers Morgan Slapped Down By Jesse Ventura

I love seeing puss morgan getting the beat down. I think it's safe to say I dislike him as much as I do obama/biden.
Did any of you guys see his interview with Ben Shapiro? Morgan got a beat down there as well.

I love how piers keeps bringing the "35 gun related deaths in GB" argument up.
If there is a full on weapons ban in GB, DUH THERE'S ONLY 35 GUN RELATED DEATHS! Guns are ILLEGAL.
However, he always fails to follow up with the fact that GB leads europe in crime rates/homicides, etc.. and that's done without guns. Clearly guns are deterrents to crime otherwise that would not be the case in GB.

If anything, the 35 gun related deaths proves the point that a weapons ban is not efficient. There should be ZERO gun related deaths in a country with a full out ban. And I wonder how many deaths in GB each year are caused by a firearm yet aren't added to that number for whatever the reason may be.
Oh well.
Piers Morgan- 0
Jesse Ventura - 1
I loved the crowd support and that ass clown getting face palmed on video.

When is someone going to serve his "numbers" back to him? The total number of U.S. “Gun Deaths” includes criminals being shot by police and suicides. Suicides would have occurred despite a firearm being used. His gun death numbers for the UK are under reported as well. How about the murder rates ours has been steadily declining despite the huge increases in arms sales and huge increases in legal public carry.

How much larger are we by population and just how many folks live in Great Britain?

As of December 1, 2012, the United States had a total resident population of 315,143,000, making it the third most populous country in the world.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the 2011 census 63,181,775 and 22nd in population. They are ranked #1 as the most violent country in the EU.

We are 5 times their size. Take out the suicides, take out the dirt bags that were shot during the commission of a crime (note how many were shot by citizens) correctly state the true "gun deaths" in the UK and I bet that dog won't hunt anymore. It may even reflect a positive effect of owning a firearm. I can only hope.

That assbag relies on his precious numbers to support his agreement when in fact under scrutiny fails.
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