Political Aspects of 9/11 - Were there any?

Ben Laden was never charged with any crimes related to 9/11 and the FBI said themselves they never had any hard evidence needed to charge him.

That's not a conspiracy theory. That's a matter of public record.
Ben Laden was never charged with any crimes related to 9/11 and the FBI said themselves they never had any hard evidence needed to charge him.

That's not a conspiracy theory. That's a matter of public record.

Yes, the government lied about who performed the attack, which is well known. But is that the same as knowingly sanctioning it?
What motivation would they have to lie unless there was an ulterior motive?

Huh? Yes, they may have lied about their prevention and did lie about who performed and supported the attacks to support ulterior motives. WMD's.

For anyone that thinks that it's a kook theory that shadow government forces could be at work to overthrow our system of government, just look at what we know from history. (If you don't want the back story go to the 3 minute mark).

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