What's the weirdest covid side effect you've had?

Weirdest thing for me was ( the best way I can describe) my hair seemed to hurt. It was very annoying getting clean. I wondered if the weird stress on my body sent me into having some type of auto immune disorder. Oh and just overall the sickness felt very unnatural. I got coviduus minimus a little over a year ago. My 4 month old is getting over it now and it kicked his little butt, poor guy.
A lot of things smelled like ripe garbage when I had it. Been a couple of weeks since I got over it and my sense of taste and smell are starting to come back.

This! Holy crap I thought I was alone. I lost my smell back in October 2020 and it never really came back. The only smell I can smell is like a garbage / sewage smell. Doesn’t matter what it is. The worst is cigarette smoke. It has the strongest sewage smell to me.
I had it in late Oct. to early Nov. Of 2020. It hung around for a good month.

All the usual symptom then. Months later Vertigo had me homebound for months. Then stopped for 3 weeks and hammered me again for a few months. Inner ear infections. Nausea, hot flashes, dizzyness.

Im still dizzy at times.

My birthday is in July. Didnt even get my tag till late Nov. cause I couldnt drive. My business tanked and my savings is about gone now.
Now my Mom is in bad health and I couldn't work if I had work to do ;(

To be honest ,this crap has changed my life like nothing before !
Sorry to hear about your business, it looks like mine is on the same path. There's no way I'm going to be able to install kitchens - lots of this is up on a ladder, and VERY heavy work). I've saved enough to make it for a while without revenue, but I'd much prefer not touching that. Not sure what life is going to look like moving forward (other than we're still on track to move to CR)
Sorry to hear about your business, it looks like mine is on the same path. There's no way I'm going to be able to install kitchens - lots of this is up on a ladder, and VERY heavy work). I've saved enough to make it for a while without revenue, but I'd much prefer not touching that. Not sure what life is going to look like moving forward (other than we're still on track to move to CR)
I hate to hear about both of you guys businesses taking a tank..
I haven't had COVID-19 but the day after I got the vaccine I was sick as a dog. Had a temp, had three blankets and a heating pad behind me over the back of the recliner. Felt like hell. The second shot I didn't feel a thing the next day. I had a metallic taste in my mouth on the first one as well. I haven't had so much as a sniffle since the shots.
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