When you make stupid choices.....

Do not most boats have some type of sonar capabilities? I mean GPS's geared towards boats have them right?
I wouldn't expect a boat that size to have sonar, probably just a short range surface radar mounted on the mast.
I have dreamed of sailing around the world but life got in the way. I definitely wouldn't attempt it with as little experience as I have, or that couple has.
I was on a 500 foot guided missile destroyer that lost power in the Bermuda Triangle when all 4 boilers went down simultaneously.
We weren't dead in the water for very long but we were bobbing like a cork and the seas were rough enough that I was pretty sure I wouldn't make it to a life raft.
Head out to sea in a 30 foot sail boat?
You can count me out
You tube Jupiter inlet and watch the waves come in.. More importantly watch the yachts that try to come back in and get rolled.. I used to come in and out of there and have had to surf my 40 footer in where water was trying to come up over the transom, and you had to power ahead but not to much so you wouldn't crest a wave and have it roll you over..

Not for the faint of heart.. It's a blast...
I personally think that they were well beyond their capabilities, in knowledge and equipment, no doubt. All I am saying is I'd rather see people go after their "dream", versus letting life pass them by, whether I agree with it or not. Life will sort the dumb, weak, and ill prepared out.
What got me is:
“How can we live our lives when we’re working most of the day and you have to pay so much just to live?"
“You only have one life. Why spend it doing what you don’t love. Money isn’t everything!” Walsh told the Post.

1) doesn't want to work
2) money isn't everything, I don't want to work for it, give me yours.
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