A failed attempt to have a rational discussion of gun values

I think we need to decide what we are willing to pay for something and offer it. Price determines value so if someone low balls you, politely decline or accept. I think it's funny how many people declare their intolerance for low ball offers in the first sentence of their listing and then ask retail price for their stuff.
I think that "what a gun is worth" is purely what a buyer is willing to pay.
I judge value compared to new if available and for C and R based upon what it is and how easily I can find similar.
I sold something on GB recently for significant $$, didnt list here because a larger market brings more interest in more "hard to find items".

Ask whatever you wnat for something , doesnt harm me at all.
Jeeez! Nine pages of "discussion" about controlling the price someone else's property. Just a quick suggestion, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Yeah, it really is that simple.
Are you new here?
Come on guys, all we need is common sense gun prices.
It's not what the firearm is worth...........it's what the dollar is worth in purchase power, I've been around long enough to learn that....the hard way :thumb:
inflation is bit painful for buyers. A mosin that once was $30-$150 now cost $300 +, but if you add inflation and currency devaluing it makes more sense and lowers to the profit made by the seller some
Are you new here?
Come on guys, all we need is common sense gun prices.

Am I new here? Can you read? In case you haven't checked, common sense is not that common on this site. If it were, we would not have a "price thread" every day and a half. Thanks for thinking I am new to this site. Common sense, yeah, you have it.
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