Alcoholism what to do?

Thanks everyone that’s what I figured. To the posts about prison he already has several DUIs. Hasn’t stopped him yet. He has a wife and 3 week old now and so that’s why I’m more concerned than ever. Another scary thing is he is a very well respected and big deal profession so I’m scared something bad will happen at work too. It’s bad. Like trying to cage a wild animal bad.
1 of my Brothers was an Alcoholic, he refused to get help until, he tried to commit suicide, we had a all family on deck intervention, thank God he went and got Professional help. He has been good for 10yrs now. The person must want help. I'm praying for your friend.
As has been said repeatedly, only the alcoholic can decide to get/stay sober. Forced rehab/treatment is just money and time wasted, don’t even consider it. AA has been a great help for some in my sphere, others have a drawer full of white chips and relapse regularly.
No matter the outside forces, some will go to their grave still blackout drinking.
It’s all a matter of will power on the part of the addict.
‘Til they express a real desire to get sober, don’t waste your time, energy, or money on them.
Thanks everyone that’s what I figured. To the posts about prison he already has several DUIs. Hasn’t stopped him yet. He has a wife and 3 week old now and so that’s why I’m more concerned than ever. Another scary thing is he is a very well respected and big deal profession so I’m scared something bad will happen at work too. It’s bad. Like trying to cage a wild animal bad.
Man I hate it for you but especially his family. My grandfather on my dad's side was an alcoholic. Nothing good comes from it.

The only girl I ever loved unconditionally was an alcoholic. Damned shame she died at 53, liver disease. Too much alcohol and too many valium. Never could get to the bottom of why she was self medicating. 18 years I was always her friend, but I told it like I saw it. No pulling punches. But, she knew I'd always "be there" for her as a friend, but I never got involved too much in the craziness. She had two sons. Her family spent more than $1.5 million on rehabs but it never stuck because she didn't want it bad enough. That's all there is to it really. Have to accept it until they really want the help that might be available. I'm just telling you stuff you probably already know. When sober, she was good as gold, drunk? A nightmare.

He has to hit bottom and even then there's no guarantee that he'll truly seek to get well.
I am an alcoholic, I quit on my own Jan 3rd 1992 and never looked back. Its a personal decision and all the pleading falls on deaf ears you know you cant tell a drunk a damn thing they know it all.
Amen. Truth. Also they tend be masterful at the art of rationalization.
I am an alcoholic, I quit on my own Jan 3rd 1992 and never looked back. Its a personal decision and all the pleading falls on deaf ears you know you cant tell a drunk a damn thing they know it all.
Congratulations on having the guts to admit your problem and the fortitude to fix it. My brother couldn’t and it cost him his wife, kids and destroyed our family.
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