Anyone had covid twice?

I had at the end of July 2020, it kicked my ass for 4-5 days. It took a month to get my endurance back.

Second was around Christmas last year, over blown head cold....... May have ran a short fever one day. wife got it, same deal for her, 10yr old had the sniffles for one day, lol.
Not licking door knobs in China. All the cool kids are doing it.
The Stupid -19 has decided to visit my house once again. This time my oldest has it 15YO. Was tested with a home test ( +) and will get back PCR test probably today. So far its been mild. Runny nose, sore throat, barfed once. I am wondering for those of us who had this crap months or even back at the beginning have you had it again? Last Thursday I had my anti-bodies tested and when my blood hit the test it started turning positive immediately and its been 5 months. So two main points " Have you had it twice? Was it mild for you?

Believe me you can get it more than once in 5 weeks, I have the $200k bill to prove it. 1/1/20 & 2/1/20. My hr was jumping from 70-175, in the ER for 5 days each time. Chills, fevers etc Have permanent lung/heart lining damage. Then 2nd jab gave me Bell’s palsy but that’s minor compared to what a flu x 100 feels like. Alot f people on here have lost family so to pass the delta variant off as a conspiracy that’s disrespectful.
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