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Background checks

Multi-billionaire Mayor of New York City, Bloomberg is throwing 12 million at advertisement to promote "Universal Background Checks" (UBC's) or the outlawing of "private" sales between honest citizens.

Our own Dept. of Justice filed a report that UBC's will be ineffective without national registration. The gun or the individual or both will be registered.

Gun prohibitionist will need this to implement a confiscation agenda. The naive bleat is this does not take any rights away. This is absurd. Confiscation was discussed in New York while pushing the idiotic draconian State ban. The repercussions of confiscating one's arms, if one is armed has its own inherent difficulties for a state or federal government and New York wisely chose another path, the safer ban path. That is at least until the next massacre most likely within a gun free zone then it will be mentioned and possibly acted upon to the peril of all.

UBC's have the most traction to pass due to most citizens being unaware of the lack of effect, as it only impacts those who follow laws and the far reaching precedence it establishes. In the spirit of bi-partisan compromise it may be voted acceptable, unless our voice is clear and concise in desire.

In keeping with the spirit of compromise if allowed our leaders will compromise our rights away a little at a time until the 2nd amendment is worthless print strayed far from the original intent and purpose of existence.

Rights are much more easily retained than restored. We need to make honest effort to retain rights. Call, write, e-mail make the common word known and not some 12 million dollar B.S. commercial as for the media will repeat this lie until it becomes accepted as truth.

A great many of our naïve citizens will be willing to give away rights that promote the boot heel tyranny and will only know it as the boot presses upon their necks, then it may be too late.

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. – Sir Winston Churchill
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Help me out on this ... I caught the very end of one of Bloomberg's anti-gun commercials and it was quoting support for extended background checks by both Isakson and Chambliss - Georgia's two U.S. Senators ... Tell me this isn't so?!
Based on their squishy emails, I fully expect them to support background checks.
I believe that I am somewhat misinformed about what was said on the commercial. It only mentions that we should call our senators (and names them)?!

So, you might want to give our U.S. Senators a call and let them know where you stand on background checks. I did and was politely received.

This is the really "BIG ONE" as they both sound prone to waffle and "let's make a deal" on this issue.
As stated above, when you call be polite: you will be talking to a staffer who will be tallying your stance and passing your message along to the senator.
Mention that you are "deeply disturbed by the very fact that their names are even mentioned in the televised Bloomberg anti-gun commercials being aired here" and
should there be a filibuster, you would like them to see their participation!

Isakson's local office: (770) 661-0999

Saxby's local number" (770) 765-9090
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