End of comment period coming monday

Did my part but my concern is that I read something that said that regardless of the comments and concerns we make the government doesn't have to listen to anything and just continue on to what they want to do. I feel like this is all for naught and that we don't have the same support that the purposed AWB had. Are they any government officials that are speaking out against this?
I don't own any NFA items and I was thinking about setting up a trust to get my first suppressor. Any word on when this will be implemented? Is there still a chance that it may not be implemented?
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I don't own any NFA items and I was thinking about setting up a trust to get my first suppressor. Any word on when this will be implemented? Is there still a chance that it may not be implemented?

I'm far from the expert. I don't even have 1 NFA item but I have done alot of research. As it stands now there are 2 methods to getting NFA.

1) Individual route - requires fingerprints, passport photos, and CLEO signature
2) Trust route - Requires that you form a trust and go through those legalities but you don't need any of the above.

The great thing about the trust is that you bypass the CLEO which many CLEOs won't sign off of Class 3/NFA items. If thats the case you won't be able to get NFA. The second good thing about the trust is that your list your beneficiaries in the trust so if something happens to you they get the items, but they can also do something on the individual route as well, fill out another form, tax free and get it so its not too bad of a deal.

Basically what 41P says is that they are going to put all of the individual requires on the trust route including the CLEO signature which would render the trust route impractically useless.

Is it a chance that it may not be implemented? Doubt it. This is an executive order thats come down from the top and I don't think it can be bypassed. The 90 comment section is mandatory before it can be implemented but they don't have to listen to them and can proceed at will which is likely what will happened. Maybe there will be a concession to remove the CLEO signature requirement which is something that most people could probably live with but its my understanding that Obama wants blood because of the utter failing of the AWB so who knows. I do know that gun ownership, lobbyist, basically all pro-gun power is very high right now. We have a lot of momentum it seems so maybe we make it out OK.

Another point that I wanted to add: In my reading last night I came across something that the SBA (Small Business Administration) was going to be speaking out against 41P. Why? Because most manufacturers of suppressors (don't know about SBRs and SBS) are small businesses and they can't survive on military contracts alone. All of the silencer manufacturers are banding together to oppose this thing because their livelihood is greatly at stake.
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