How do you organize your ammo?

That was 6 months ago. This is today.
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I backed off on ammo so that I could purchase a few rifles and pistols that I want. If you think that's a lot of ammo you should see my gun room!!!
dayum, that is Impressive, and uh you may have outed yourself Mr Sheriff :)
In rust free ammo cans with good/new seals
Organized by caliber, then manufacturer
Avery Labels on top and front for easy identification
Lined up neatly in a climate controlled room
Desiccant packs in cans

The cans for 300AAC and .22lr are pretty light lately if any of you guys want to donate.
Some of you guys need to put a placard on your houses. Just so us firefighters know not I get anywhere near the dang thing if it's on fire so we don't get blown I the next city lol. Lawd some of y'all need a ammo bunker like the military uses.
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