What's considered a good grouping at 7 yards rapid fire?

I usually put in about 1/2 inch groups... which annoys the hell out of me. Man, I can't see where my shots go easily... they keep going through the same hole, shooting blindfolded, over my shoulder, richocheting off the barn... doesn't matter. Damn it.
Hey Boz, think they will ever be able to call their shots?

Sure but first you have to understand it then executing shots without blinking/flinching ain't as easy as it sounds. I usually have to shoot a couple of rounds at a match to get back into it. That's why I usually try to focus a little more on accuracy the first stage of a match.

The good news about this thread is that I am somewhat inspired to get back to serious practice.
Ritual used to be 30 minutes dryfire moring and evening, and live fire twice a week
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