"Ding, dong, ditching teen shot by home-owner"

I did it all the time growing up. Only got a gun pulled on us once. We had to go back to a house we just knocked on to find my friends flip flop. The guy was waiting on us. We all **** are pants a little.
If the house has been burglarized in the past or the man was mugged and injured, he "might" be able to prove he was in fear his life.
Its a stretch but, if he shot through a door that's going to be hard to prove. It's also possible this kid has been harassing this guy for awhile.
How many people have a gun ready on the second knock?
If the house has been burglarized in the past or the man was mugged and injured, he "might" be able to prove he was in fear his life.
Its a stretch but, if he shot through a door that's going to be hard to prove. It's also possible this kid has been harassing this guy for awhile.
How many people have a gun ready on the second knock?

After first knock I am already in hand , second knock I am inspecting who while holding
Macon Georgia method for answering doorbell:

I'll reserve judgement on the homeowners action until ALL the details are released. Goodness knows the media didn't and/or won't get them right.

In an unrelated turn of events; I have actually BEEN to Pryor, OK. So, there.
If it was a bell ring/runaway the homeowner is screwed. And no one should shoot someone for ringing the door bell.

If the kids were kicking and pounding on the door making threats to try to scare him it /may/ be justified.

What a shame all the way around!
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