
I don't need to carry a gun, All we need is one or two of you revolver carriers per county.
With you out there...WTH do I need a gun for ?

FYI I carry an automatic most of the time.,
I did happen to carry one of my 357 Magnums yesterday though. I didn't feel the least bit out gunned carrying five rounds instead of the normal 7 in the automatic I carry mostly. I am not against Auto loaders however I would carry revolvers all the time if it were less bulky or a commander 1911. Get on the range and get them shooting skills up you won't need near as many rounds.
Different tools for different jobs. I am not about to kick open a perps door. I carry a J frame. My MIL, who is 92 has a J frame because she cannot rack the slide of any semi auto pistol. I don't believe there is one gun or style of gun that fits everyone. But, those who disagree will shout and holler and have seen it before.

The revolver sales are good to very good. Obsolete, no.

What? Say you think you're adequately armed with a revolver and don't carry a Desert Eagle .44 Auto Mag-??? Snort! I'll bet you also don't carry a monoshock battering ram with you in case you have to make a dynamic entry into some place where a family member is being held hostage, either. All the SWAT have them. obviously don't care about your loved ones, do you?
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But seriously, does anybody actually shoot better in simulated combat action shooting games with revolver? With that long heavy double action trigger pull??

Yes...I Do, for one. I do about 99% of my live-fire practice with DA REVOLVERS, shooting in DA mode...And ALL of my dryfire is DA...

I can certainly shoot a SA or Striker-fired Semiauto reasonably well--I've shot one perfect 500 in Indoor GSSF Matches and have shot several 498's, so there's that...I have also finished in the Top 20 of several outdoor GSSF Matches--And I shoot EVEN BETTER with my Smith REVOLVERS! I've proven this to my satisfaction several times over the years with various Drills and by shooting the IDPA Classifier with Revos, Glocks and 1911's...

I'm certain I'm in the minority on this, but I've been shooting Revolvers in DA Mode almost exclusively for a little over forty years--What is it they say about Practice makes perfect??? :)
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