Where do YOU Get Your Prices

Some of you already know, but check out the "completed" auction part of Gun Broker. If there is a green and yellow "Sold" on the item, it means it actually sold for the price shown. The rest of GB is just an auction. Prices are inflated and re-lists are endless. I also watch sales at the Gun Shows, not prices, actual sales. I watch other sites and if there is a gun that sold that I might want to buy or sell, I will contact the seller and just ask him what he got for the gun. Most of the time, they will tell you. The guns I go after are not normally available new. So, keeping up with the prices is just something I do.
No they are not. I should have worded that differently. Or spaced it out. :p


Georgia Gun Store is the bomb.....there I said it. LOL No really though they have some of the best new and used prices I have ever seen on just about everything they sell. From guns to accessories to ammo. Before I buy anything I check to see how much I can get it for at Georgia Gun store. If you haven't checked out their website your missing out.
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