Which mini grass-eating animal should I get?

Down in the Caribbean many
people keep bottomless cages of rabbits and Guinea pigs in their yards for eating, moving them around for fresh grass.
Pygmies, have had them for yrs. They will keep a lot clean. They do at times eat bark on small trees up to 4-6 inches but eat the weeds and grass more. Raise them form babies and train them to come to peanut butter and they will follow you wherever you want to move them. Good luck.
Never knew goats hurt trees. In for more info. But yeah I'll give the pygmy goat a +1
The neighbors brought home a goat. (Full size) It had twins. One was a boy. Son or not, soon there was a small flock.

They consumed all the vegetation and many things considered inedible up to a height of 6 feet.

They liked to stand up high. They destroyed many things,including a car by standing on it.
Growing up I had a little bastard of a neighborhood kid friend who had goats. They had huge nuts and Barry (The bastard kid) would shoot them with a BB gun. I never participated but I always thought it was funny as hell.

Get goats.
And a BB gun! Oh, and don't forget a gas mask if you get an adult male. The smell will gag maggots.
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