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Selling/trading firearms privately in Georgia... legal requirements.

Farmer, you asked a question about the law on ODT, so you're going to get a bunch of jackwagons coming in here and giving their uninformed ignorant opinions. Mostly based on feelings and political positions, but without any regard to what the law itself is.

A few quick points--

1: there is no requirement for a bill of sale or other paperwork between private parties who are residents of the same state. You can sell guns to an anonymous stranger based on a meeting in a dark alley, a handshake, and an envelope full of $20 bills if that's how you want to do business.

2: If you sell a gun to somebody and that gun is later used in a crime, and the police identify you as the last known owner of that gun, you had better be able to explain how and when you ended your position and ownership of that gun . Otherwise, you will be a suspect. And if the cops expect some proof to back up your story about how you sold the gun, and yet you have no proof, you will probably remain a suspect a lot longer than you should .

3. In theory, just having owned that crime gun at sometime in the past should not be sufficient evidence for police to arrest you which had to be based on "probable cause."
Nor should the cops be able to get a search warrant for your home, your car, your computers and smart phones, if the cops have nothing to go on other than a years-old ATF Form 4473 that shows you bought the gun from an FFL dealer back then. Those facts and circumstances alone will not make the "probable cause" standard for magistrates issuing search warrants.

But, it COULD HAPPEN. Some judges hand out search warrants the way moms hand out popsicles to their kids on summer days.
Can you cite precedence here in Georgia that people with no previous record have been arrested due to a gun used in a crime being traced back to them? For that matter, can you give us a rough idea of how many times cops have used 4473s to trace ownership back to an individual purchaser?

This thread was fun until the lawyer showed up...

Sorry, didn't mean to spoil the fun.

As you were, Gentlemen.

I'll even supply the equine carcass
& an assortment of beating implements.
I heard about a beaver who chewed through a metal light pole. Now I put plastic wrap on all my metal light poles because I heard beavers can't chew through plastic.
This is just silly. Beavers can chew through plastic wrap! You have to brick and mortar around the base to keep beavers at bay.....
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