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So up to 6'2" 340 now. Ordered the Nutrisystem 7 day a week plan (Didn't work. I couldn't stick to it.)

I actually had to Google "fudge rounds" when I heard that song. Never had one or seen them.
I was hitting the pavement/ 2-3 miles a day. Didn't lose any, fact gained a bit. Felt like I could eat what I want because I was exercising. Doc said you can't outrun a fork. Then I was hit with late onset RA. Felt sick for a year. Body was fighting inflammation burning calories. Lost 15lbs doing nothing.. It ate up my knee doing nothing. Got a new knee now and meds have the disease on remission. On the mend and moving again. Nothing taste as good as good health. Very thankful to God and all the doctors, nurses, and everybody that helped me. Your health is a lifestyle, not a diet. Good luck man. You will if you want to
It' s a hard row to hoe for sure, I did the intermittent fasting (only eating between 11am and 7pm) and just basic portion control with little to no sugar or carbonated sweet drinks - dropped from 300 to 255 in about four months, I'm 6'3".

Good on you for doing it, just don't worsen your health by overdoing it... Good luck buddy!!
I try to do this through the week. Keeps your insulin down and sets a structure that some of us need. Switched to carnivore earlier this year in desperation of stopping inflamation around a neck injury, I went from 8 to 10 ibuprophen a day to 0.
Confirmed 100% by my wife, my sleep apnea disappeared after I lost (and have kept off) the 26 lbs. 2+ years after adopting a keto lifestyle. Pretty amazing what 26 extra, unwanted lbs. did.
Nutrisystem didn't work. Couldn't stick to it.

I've been out in the yard this morning shoveling and wheel barreling close to 2 tons of dirt. I realized that my knees are shot along with my back and everything else. All of it because I'm a fat ass.

Getting to where it's a struggle just to bend over to put my boots on. I gotta do something to correct this course I'm on.

What pisses me off is I only eat twice a day. A bacon egg and cheese biscuit in the morning and dinner/lunch around 3pm.

My PTSD meds cause weight gain and the fact that I quit smoking a few months ago didn't help. I went up 15 pounds just quitting smoking.

Sorry for the rant.
Cut out the sugars and carbs. Keto or carnivore is the way to go.

I've been doing keto since January 8th, as of this morning I'm down 63 pounds. I've hit plateau recently and can't seem to get past 60-65 pounds lost. Intermittent fasting also works wonders, only eat during the hours the sun is up. I was 260 pounds of ass now I'm down to 197, eat primarily meats with limited vegetables 7 days a week with no cheat meals or snacks, really watch my carb intake (I try to stay around the 15-20g a day) and it has worked great. No more knee pain all day, less headaches, smaller appetite, better mental focus, better sleep, and better physical abilities. Also I am no longer considered pre-diabetic, at risk for sleep apnea, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. I went to get my DOT card in January and was told they couldn't give me a 2 year card because I was at risk for sleep apnea, pre diabetic, and that they wanted to do a sleep study. Fast forward 3 months I had lost 35 pounds at that point, no sleep apnea, blood sugar levels were good and I got a 2 year year card. It sucks getting that rude wake up call but damn did I need it. I didn't realize how poorly I was treating my body by ingesting all that junk until I look back at pics of myself as well as realize most of my ailments are gone or lightened.

My wife has been on keto since the same time, she has lost 70 pounds, her PCOS is under control now and she continuing to lose while I have hit the plateau.
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