Dog lovers, what should I do? I’m furious at the vet!

The first vet sent it out for biopsy. The second vet also sent it out for biopsy, but after the surgery. I don’t understand how this happened.

The good news is he looks great and is a very happy dog. He just has a bit of a droopy face now where they removed part of his upper jaw.

I'm Glad your Dog is Safe and Happy. You still have him, I put down my dog in March, and my 2nd dog is almost ready to be out down, she's 13yrs old and her breed usually last only 10 years. I hope everything works out for You!
Talked to two. They both said the same thing. We would have to prove gross negligence and in “science” there’s a margin for error that would make that very difficult. Sounds like we’re stuck.

In a similar occurrence, my brother was "diagnosed" with a cancerous growth in his gut. It took 8 hours in surgery to remove the growth, and many months in recovery. Removed tissue sent to the lab found no signs of cancer at all. Oops.

My mother got a cut on her shin, when it was slow to heal, a sample sent to the "lab" said it was cancer. From a break in the skin? (BS)

Cancer is the diagnosis of choice for unknown problems these days because the ins companies are more than willing to pay if a lab says it is the big C.
Is there such a thing as veterenary malpractice?
For a doctor to human patients, nobody can sue for malpractice without another medical doctor reviewing the case and saying it looks like malpractice.
I would go after my money for sure. That's a hideous rip off.

Insuring a pet has become a normal thing these days. It would be my only route. An $8k vet bill would mean certain death for my critters. I can't pay that. No freaking way.
If the Lawyers are saying you can't do much, try talking directly to the vets and UGA to see if they will cut you a break on the cost. Be nice, but make your case. Bottom line is you just put your dog through surgery and spent $8000 because of an incorrect diagnosis.

Also keep in mind that the surgeon could have very easily never told you that your dog didn't have cancer.
Not only would I be upset at the $8k, but the completely unnecessary removal of part of my dogs jaw that will permanently hinder his quality of life. Ridiculous.
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