NRA sells out gun owners

”shove it”??


Another angry a—whole with a bunch of guns.

You rude sob’s are the reason people talk about gun nuts like being into firearms as a hobby is a mental disorder.

But Fat Albert I’m sure you are real tactical operator that needs your bumpfire stock and your arm brace to complete an important secret mission.

And yet the vast majority of us are law abiding (more so than most any other segment of the population). But we need more laws and restrictions to prevent us from "operating".... :pound:
”shove it”??


Another angry a—whole with a bunch of guns.

You rude sob’s are the reason people talk about gun nuts like being into firearms as a hobby is a mental disorder.

But Fat Albert I’m sure you are real tactical operator that needs your bumpfire stock and your arm brace to complete an important secret mission.

As a "lawyer" I hope you never represent any 2A issues.
This isn't about bump fire stocks, for those who believe it is.

The left never gives an inch. Why do we? Pathetic.

@FatAlbert , my hat is off to you. Acknowledging any inanimate object as the cause for death and destruction is pure insanity. This is exactly what many, including several here, are conceding. It makes my skin crawl to read it.

Does anyone believe the left will be satisfied with bump fire stocks? Please, go read a leftist dominated forum and then tell me they will stop at this.

Have we not learned from our past follies? Giving those jackals one inch opens the door of opportunity for them to say, "well, that was a good start. Now let's continue by banning..."

This is a fight the left wants to win very badly. It has been building for more than 50 years. They are playing for keeps, and while I agree with several of you that we must stick together, I will not agree the NRA has done well here. They balked and we don't need that. We need less laws, not more.

As much as it makes me cringe, I sometimes read leftist blogs and forums. I believe in knowing my enemies. And yes, I do consider many to be my sworn enemies. This is something they have declared, not me, so I am simply acknowledging a fact, not declaring anything. Now, sometimes folks here and elsewhere may see my occasional rant posts as far fetched or even extreme...Go read what those idiots say about us and then get back to me.

Again, this is not about bump fire stocks. Wake up.
is it selling out or meeting in a middle ground and saying ya know what you can have it but we are keep our guns and magazines.

This isn't about bump fire stocks, for those who believe it is.

The left never gives an inch. Why do we? Pathetic.
@sambo77 That is why we are mad at NRA. It is ALWAYS gun owners who compromise. Why didn't NRA say, "OK, ban the bump stock, but repeal the Hughes Amendment or pass the HPA?" Why is it always give, give? I am tired of it. Enough is enough.
I just paid for a one year membership to GOA, Gun Owners of America. I also maintain a membership with GCO, Georgia Carry. Both organizations actively pursue without compromise maintaining our 2nd Amendment rights using lobbyists and lawyers which seems to be the primary way to educate politicians. I am greatly disappointed in the NRA and their recent clarification after previously jumping on the control issue.
Has anyone received a response from our congressman or senators? I got one from my state rep but nothing else. Please email your reps and ask them to Oppose HR3999 immediately. If anyone is intrested in a protest outside the state capital PM me or reply here.

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